2022.05 日本顕微鏡学会 第78回学術講演会 – 口頭発表 – 3D SEM画像セグメンテーションにおける2D/3D UNet深層学習モデルの比較 – Comparison of 3D / 2D UNet
deep learning models for 3D SEM image segmentation
2021.06 日本顕微鏡学会 第77回学術講演会 – 口頭発表 – 電子顕微鏡画像の2次元画像解析における重なりを持つ球形粒子の検出と特徴測定 – 2D Image Processing Algorithm for
Detecting and Measuring Overlapping Spherical Particles in Electron Microscopy
2020.04 Ishii N, Mochizuki Y, Shiomi K, Nakazato M, Mochizuki H. Spiral drawing: Quantitative analysis and
artificial-intelligence-based diagnosis using a smartphone. J Neurol Sci. 15;411:116723. [PubMed]
2018.06 Matsuzawa K, Himoto T, Mochizuki Y, Ikenouchi J. α-Catenin Controls the Anisotropy of Force
Distribution at Cell-Cell Junctions during Collective Cell Migration. Cell Rep. 19;23(12):3447-3456. [PubMed]
2014.05 Intel ISEF @ Los Angeles – Development of a Mathematical Model to Assess Territory Establishment by
the Fiddler Crab, Uca lactea, Based on Tracking Walking Trajectories.